I am joining Flying into First Grade for a "Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party! I am new to blogging and this is my first linky party. I am so excited!
I attended college at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I majored in Elementary Education. I received a BA in Education with K-8 certification in 1988. I will be attending Appalachian State University (Boone, North Carolina), in the fall. I am getting my masters degree in reading education. I am so excited to go back to school, even if it will be at night and during the summer. I have already started buying school supplies!
My first year of teaching was actually the last half of a school year. I graduated in December of 1988 and started teaching in January of 1989. My first day started with walking into my new classroom for the first time and meeting twenty-four 5th and 6th graders. Yes, it was a combination class! The sub met me at the door, handed me a teacher's guide, and wished me luck. Fortunately, this school was filled with amazing teachers and staff that encouraged and supported me through that wild and crazy half-year and the next five years as I began my teaching adventure.
I have taught 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades during the last 24 years. I have taught first grade for the last seven years and have to say that it is my favorite! I love this time when they are learning so much and building a foundation for the years to come. Every day is a new adventure!